Grotzkes in Spain
Proclaiming the glory of Jesus Christ among the nations through the preaching of the gospel, discipleship of believers, and the multiplication of churches.

Seth is a follower of Jesus. Husband to Crystal. Explorer of strange tales. He spends much of his time ministering with Liberty Baptist as pastor of evangelism and church planting, reading books, writing papers, or running trails in search of adventures.
Crystal loves Jesus. Cares about people. Keeps the home running smoothly. She makes sure Seth is fed, in order, and without stains all over his clothing. She enjoys reading, sitting in the sunshine, and preferable both at the same time.
Tanzen is the big sister who loves reading, exploring, and ice cream. Mia is a thrill seeker and smiler. Grant explores the world through his mouth, whether it is food, insect, or unknown matter.
Both Seth and Crystal graduated from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College with majors in Bible and missions, and minors in Spanish. During their time there they also spent a year in Peru on the Arriba program through Baptist Mid Missions.
Following college, they were married and then spent an additional 9 months traveling in South America ministering alongside national pastors and missionaries.
They returned to Minnesota in 2008 and completed a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling (Crystal) and a Master of Divinity and ThM (Seth) from Central Baptist Theological Seminary. Seth’s ThM thesis is entitled, “Partiality in the New Testament Assembly according to James 2:1-13.”
The family is currently living in Spain, ministering as part of a church planting team and facilitating biblical training.