Here is a short video of s’more making during our Conversational English activity this weekend (watch for the barbarities committed when people realize you can roast more than just marshmallows).
Here is a short video of s’more making during our Conversational English activity this weekend (watch for the barbarities committed when people realize you can roast more than just marshmallows).
Paella is one of the most famous Spanish dishes. The mixture of rice, chicken, pork, and seafood is slow cooked and tough to beat. Our friend and language tutor, Karine, prepared it for us and my parents. We had a great time eating and talking about how we eat – manners, customs, and faux pas.
This is a new recipe that I tried last night. Hope you find it as “tasty” as I did.
Pan of Lasagna
Phone call from brother
Preheat oven to 350
Take call from brotherTry to hold iPhone between shoulder and ear while placing pan of lasagna in hot oven
Drop iPhone and watch as it slides to the back of the oven under heating coils
Contemplate reaching in with bare hand
Desperately try to scrape iPhone around the bottom of the oven with large wooden spoon
(Make sure you are yelling to your brother as well during the whole process, it adds to the excitement)
Clean oven gunk off of iPhone and call brother back
Serve with salt
I found a recipe for pumpkin stew in my favorite brand of cookbooks, The Gooseberry Patch.
I used some of the bear meat that my dad had given us to make the stew, and it turned out really well! You should check out his blog:
Heather and I hollowed out the pumpkin and then we put the stew into the pumpkin and baked it for an hour. Yum!