Eleven years ago we became one. Here are photos of those eleven years, each taken roughly one year apart. The change without seems insignificant to the change within.
Category Archives: Marriage
9 Years Today
Nine years ago today, Crystal and I were married. Nine years is a not-so-long/really-long time.
Looking back over the past nine years is like looking across a mountain gorge. The distance isn’t too far, but to arrive at the other side can be quite the journey! Our path has led us through some fairly dark valleys and before some incredible vistas. As I mentally retrace the steps of our marriage there is much time there, but it seems like such a short distance. In my mind I can walk through moments and events, school semesters and pregnancy trimesters, early months and first years.
In some ways I think I could have imagined standing where I am on this promontory. Our lives have followed a fairly defined path – school, marriage, international ministry, more school, ministry, child, international ministry. I could have guessed that. But as for the path we have walked, I saw no map before hand.
And that is good. God has graciously given us a vision for a general place he wants us to be, but he has given us himself and each other as we walk the sometimes steep path it takes to get there.
I am so thankful that I have had the not-so-long/really-long time with Crystal. God knew that I needed her for my good and his glory. This truth makes me even more excited for the coming years!
Ministry of Marriage by Binney
Binney, Jim. The Ministry of Marriage. Greenville: JourneyForth, 2003.
Paperback: 232 pages
Point: Binney wants to give couples hope for marriage, whether their marriage is struggling or whether a couple is thinking about marriage in the future. He shows how solutions to problems in marriage must be Christ-centered. Marriage must be looked upon as a ministry in our lives.
Agreement: Binney has some great chapters on what real love is, myths about love and marriage, why some people marry, and different aspects and ministries in marriage.
Disagreement: There are several chapters in which Binney seems to merge into the popular lingo of using “needs” for certain aspects of marriage. I would agree that what he calls “needs” are important, but we must realize that we can still have fruitful lives doing what Christ calls us to do without having our spouse or others in our lives fulfill what many call “needs.”
Personal App: Am I working on loving my spouse, since love is more than just feelings?
Stars: 3.5 out of 5
It would be worth another read and I would recommend it with some reservations.
If this review was helpful, let us know here.
Some Helpful Posts:
“My Spouse Doesn’t Meet my needs” – This post argues you have the wrong “needs”
“Is there Hope for Dealing with Anger?” – The Bible says “yes!”
“Christianity in 25 Objects” – If you aren’t following this series by Challis, you are missing out on a great way to learn church history.
Ice Castle:
Pretty neat, but I am sure glad it has melted!
Paul Tripp’s “Is Your Marriage a Place of Trust?”
22 discerning questions to help you evaluate whether your marriage is all you think it is…or isn’t.
Today is the day.
Five years ago today we said our vows and kissed. We were proclaimed to be man and wife before our families, friends, country, church, and God.
Although we had known each other for over five years, we began a journey which would deepen our relationship in ways we never would have guessed.As I look back at the last five years I cannot thank God enough for Crystal. There are so many traits that she possesses which proclaim that she is a child of the King, that she lives for something greater. She inspires me to love God and others more.
There are so many areas where I would be completely lost without her (like downtown Minneapolis!). Last night we had a cookie baking activity which took place without any explosions, burns, or cookies that taste like chalk (all of which contribute to good activities, but a little stressful if all together). That can only be attributed to her careful planning and patient servanthood.
She keeps our home in a state of simple and appealing usability. It is clean, organized, and tasteful. I never wonder if our home is presentable for visitors.
I could not ask for a better helper, encourager, spouse, or friend. She means the world to me.
The Mission-Minded Family: Releasing Your Family to God’s Destiny
Crystal’s Book Review
- Hardcover: 287 pages
- Publisher: Crossway
- Language: English
- Date of reading: 9/28/2011