A Liturgy for when treated unkindly

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

O Jesus, rescue me.
I am angry and resentful.
I am fearful and discouraged.
I am confused and unnerved.
All of them bundled together,
One coming to the surface and then disappearing while another takes its place.

What did I do to deserve this treatment?
I opened up with another.
I thought we were agreed.
But then I was treated as an enemy.

Is there something that is within them
A memory, a similarity, a fear,
That was triggered by my presence or my actions?

O Jesus, you were treated as an enemy,
Yet you are the friend of sinners,
The lifter of the weak,
The protector of the helpless.

You were carried to the cliff.
You were forced out of town.
You were stalked in the darkness.
You were nailed to a cross.

O Jesus, you felt the disapproval of the elite.
You felt the betrayal of friends.
You felt the abandonment of humanity.
You felt the wrath of God.

But yet you forgave.
You prayed for your tormentors.
You fed those who forsook you.
You held out your hands to those who doubted.

O Jesus, you know my heart.
You know the pride that lies beneath my actions.
You know the fear that motivates so much of what I do.
You know the anger that undergirds my words.

O Jesus, you know my heart.
You know my desire to love.
You know my desire to make peace.
You know my desire to give hope.

Forgive this treatment that I have received,
O Jesus,
And forgive me.
Luke 23