Word for the Day

honesty |ˈänistē |
1 the quality of being honest : they spoke with convincing honesty about their fears | it was not, in all honesty, an auspicious debut.
2 a European plant with purple or white flowers and round, flat, translucent seedpods that are used for indoor flower arrangements. Also called money plant . • Genus Lunaria, family Brassicaceae.
ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French honeste, from Latin honestas, from honestus (see honest ). The original sense was [honor, respectability,] later [decorum, virtue, chastity.] The plant is so named from its seedpods, translucency symbolizing lack of

1 I can attest to his honesty integrity, uprightness, honorableness, honor, morality, morals, ethics, principles, high principles, righteousness, right-mindedness; virtue, goodness, probity, high-mindedness, fairness, incorruptibility, truthfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, rectitude.
2 they spoke with honesty about their fears sincerity, candor, frankness, directness, bluntness, truthfulness, truth, openness, straightforwardness.

Thought this may be applicable in the light of the campaigning.