The Mission-Minded Family: Releasing Your Family to God’s Destiny
by Ann Dunagan
Product Details
Paperback: 219 pages
Publisher: Authentic
Point: Your family can and should be involved in missions. God does not ask you to sacrifice your family on the altar of missions, but have you sacrificed God’s commands on the altar of your family?
Path: Through stories, examples, tips and testimony the author pieces together a feasible strategy for family missions.
Sources: Compiling resources from missionary biographies, missions agency, and current missions project, the author gives many resources to the reader.
Agreement: It is not “missions or family” it should be “mission through family.” Too often we think that our lives are too busy caring for our children to think of missions. Rather, we should look how we can involve our whole family in missions.
Disagreement: The author is a proponent of YWAM and other organizations which confuse missions. Also, the strategies are often focused more on humanitarian aid than Gospel presentation.
Personal App: How can I involve my family in missions rather than exchanging my family for missions?
Stars: 2.5 out of 5
There are some helpful ideas, but I wouldn’t buy the book.