A Great Course on Spain

In a previous post I mentioned why we love listening to The Great Courses. I have highlighted one on culture, Customs of the World, and one on language, Language A to Z. This one is about history.

The Other 1492: Ferdinand, Isabella, and the Making of an Empire

Narrated by: Professor Teofilo F. Ruiz

This course explores the happenings of history surrounding the year 1492. Surprisingly enough, Columbus wasn’t that big of a deal that year. Many years later people began to appreciate what he had done, but there were bigger happenings that year. Spain defeated the last Moorish stronghold in Granada, Ferdinand and Isabella strengthened their empire, and the Spanish Inquisition got a little more ugly. I found this course extremely helpful in understanding the history of the country which will soon be our home.

I would recommend this course to:

  • Someone interested in Spain
  • Someone interested in the history of Europe
  • Someone interested in Columbus