God’s Grace Evidenced


We were able to spend last weekend with the Chinese Christian Church of Woodbury (3CW) for their annual retreat. Seth was invited to be the presenter for the English speakers. The retreat took place at Camp Victory near Zumbro Falls, MN.


The retreat was a lot of fun for various reasons, but we wanted to share a few of the ways we saw God’s grace evidenced through 3CW.

  • The church family was open and friendly
  • They were genuinely interested in our lives and asked good questions
  • The whole body acted as a family. I enjoyed hearing the teens and children address the adults as “Uncle” and “Auntie”
  • Smiling was the default facial expression
  • Their joy could be seen and heard
  • They were very generous in multiple ways
  • They went out of their way to include multiple language groups in their corporate worship time
  • They shared their snacks!

IMG_3338We thank God for 3CW and look forward to seeing how God uses this church family to minister to the world.