Management Essentials for Christian Ministries by Michael Anthony and James Estep

Management Essentials for Christian Ministries
by Michael Anthony and James Estep.
Path:  The book is a compilation of various authors who have written on the six key categories of administration: integration, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and evaluating.
Agreement: One particularly helpful chapter was that which dealt with vision. The author of the article lists fourteen possible contributors to the loss of vision (pg. 72). These included being out of touch with God, burnout, poor leadership, absence of accountability, and a many others.
Disagreement: There were several areas where I disagreed with the authors. One of those was their distinction between ruling elders and teaching elders (pg. 21). I believe that they are one and the same and there is no need for a distinction. Also, I thought that the Scripture passage used to “capture the idea of vision” (pg. 74), namely Acts 2:17, was a definite misuse of Scripture.
Personal App: One chapter which I found very helpful was chapter eighteen (pg. 313-332) which dealt with mentoring. I found the concepts included in the chapter to be very insightful. I have been mentored at various stages of my life, few were official, but all helpful. The one which began as official never amounted to more than the first meeting. The participation in these various relationships only gives me a desire for another, deeper mentoring relationship. I see it as absolutely necessary, and desire to do it myself with men in my church and my spheres of influence.
Stars: 3 out of 5
I plan on using ideas from several of the chapters, but I am not sure that it would be a book I would reread regularly.

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