How Can I Change? Confession

Part of the “How Can I Change?” series. See parts onetwothreefourfive, and six

Confession (Prov 28:13)

“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.”

What is the passage saying?

1. Two Paths

  • Concealing sin = failure
  • Confessing and forsaking sin = mercy

2. Two Parties

  • God (Jas 4:6; 1 John 1; Ps 51)
  • Others (Jas 5:13-18)

Sin is like mold, it flourishes in dark places. When we shine light on the sin, it begins to die.

How is it connected to grace?

It takes God’s grace to see our sin, confess it, and repent (Acts 16:14)

Confession brings us to the place where we can receive mercy (Jas 4:6-10)

What will it look like in my life? (How does that actually help me change?)

Example: Your friend is struggling with something, but they won’t tell you with what. After multiple periods of time where they seem to become depressed, they finally open up with you. They have been involved in an area of sin that has affected them and others. How do they go about beginning to make things right through confession?

Steps (Taken from Lambert, “Finally Free”)

  • Confess Your Sin to All Who Have Been Touched by Your Sin
  • Do Not Confess Your Sin to Those Who Are Not Touched by Your Sin
  • Confess Your Sin with a Willingness to Accept the Consequences of Your Sin
  • Consider Confessing Your Sin with a Third Party Who Can Help with the Response
  • Confess Your Sin Thoroughly, but Not Necessarily Exhaustively
  • Confess Your Sin without Making Any Excuses for Your Sin

What can I Do?

  • Is there a room in your life that needs the lights turned, shades pulled, and doors opened?
  • What is it that is keeping you from doing that?
  • How could your mentor help you with this?

“David knew that his guilt began with the condition of his heart, not with external actions.” (Covington, David. “Psalm 51: Repenter’s Guide.” JBL 20, no. 1 (2001): 21–39.)
