Axioms Of Separation by John E. Ashbrook

Axioms Of Separation
by John E. Ashbrook
Painesville, OH: “Here I Stand” Books, 1989.  
Point: Separation is a crucial element in the life of every believer.
Path:  Written from a pastor to pastors, the author seeks to give the biblical reasons for separation. He lays them out in thirteen different axioms seeking to give scriptural support for each.
Agreement: I thought that the author’s list of established and self-evident truths was helpful. Some of them were things which I had not thought about before, others I had. The first few I have come to see and understand: Scripture forbids us to have fellowship with unbelief, commands us to reprove apostasy, teaches us that we must purge unbelief, teaches us that a believer and unbeliever cannot be yoked together in spiritual endeavors, and teaches us to separate from disobedient brethren (pg. 29).
Questions: Ashbrook notes that the Bible teaches that we cannot fellowship with those who do not practice separation. How far do we go? Second degree separation? Third or fourth? There is a struggle here and I do not have all the answers.  
Personal App: I believe that there are certain things over which we should separate and other we should not. I don’t think that we ought to separate from another church over their choice of music, usage of a variety of Bible versions, service schedule, or color of choir robes. The common belief among certain groups is that “if we don’t believe exactly the same, we cannot fellowship.”
Favorite Quote: “Separation is not the answer to every disagreement between brethren” (pg. 29).
Stars: 4 out of 5
It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.
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