The Canon Of The New Testament by Metzger

The Canon Of The New Testament: Its Origin, Development, and Significance
by Bruce Metzger
Product Details
Hardcover: 326 pages
Publisher: Clarendon Press
    Point: The canon of the New Testament was recognized after several hundred years, around the Roman Empire, amidst the battle for orthodoxy. This book traces the paths taken in order to arrive at the collection of authoritative books that we have today.
    Path:  Restating the questions posed in the recent centuries concerning the canon, Metzger begins to answer them through a study of what the apostolic fathers believed concerning the Scriptures. Various heresies and the responses they evoked helped to clarify what the early Church believed. He also walks through the progression which took place in the East and the West as they understood the canon. The final portion of the book is dedicated to problems faced by the Church in reference to the canon.
    Sources: Metzger plunges into the study with primary sources and addresses secondary sources.
    Agreement: This is an excellent introduction to the topic. I also appreciated his reasoned and fair response to the question, “Is the canon still open today?” 
    Personal App: The Scripture that we have today has been passed down because of its orthodoxy, apostolicity, and consensus among the churches. I thank God for His Word.  
    Stars: 4.5 out of 5
    Excellent resource for anyone interested in understanding canonicity.