Manathon XIIIs: Where we went

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Last week we went on our second manathon to the Boundary Waters.

 Sunday night we left from Liberty Baptist after the evening service and headed north. Up through Duluth, followed the north shore, took a left on the Sawbill Trail. We pulled out a tarp and sleeping bags someplace in the woods about 1 am and got some sleep. Temperatures dropped into the thirties, which neutralized themosquitoes, but not thespiders. Seems like they wanted to snuggle.

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The sun came up Monday morning and we had hot chocolate and oatmeal for breakfast. Picking up our permits at Sawbill Outfitters, we quickly got our gear loaded and started the long paddle. Our goal was Cherokee Lake. We paddled and portaged, paddled and portaged. We divided the crackers, sausage, and cookies for lunch, all of which was inhaled by the guys.Sometime in the afternoon we got to our campsite. The guys set up tents, collected firewood, and prepared supper.

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The same trip was repeated on Thursday morning as we got up early, packed all the belongings and worked our way back home.