Man-A-Thon XII s part 2

 We woke up on lake time early Tuesday morning. Lake time means sunrise = breakfast, sunset = sleep.

We prepared the bacon and pancakes and then packed up and headed north. We paddled through South Cone lake, Mid Cone lake and North Cone lake.

We were able to evade the first three portages because the water was so high, but we had a pretty long one to Cliff lake. After we made through we settled in for a gourmet lunch of a chunk of sausage from Menards. It was a hit!

We portaged and paddled through Wanahigan lake and then portaged into Winchell lake. The guys kept going and once we found a site they were down for the count. Andrew appreciated what he called the “comfy rock.”

Apparently, after a long day of paddling the guys decided they needed to take a swim.

 By the time supper came around you can guess that everyone was pretty eager to get at whatever Steve S. had prepared. There were never any leftovers!