Peru Update

Support Level – Praise God we are up to 95%! God has blessed us greatly through the support of His children. He also continues to open doors to share our hearts with others, and us this trip as a witnessing opportunity.
Travel Status – We have our tickets, and we are flying out the 5th of September. The Lord even provided cheaper tickets than what we were expecting.
Future Schedule – We have several more churches to visit in the weeks to come, moving out of our apartment, and all the packing! Please pray that our apartment will be rented out quickly so we don’t have to pay for an extra month.
We spoke with Pastor Evelio, the peruvian pastor with whom we will be working, this past Saturday, and he has multiple trips lined up for October. We are going to have great opportunities!
The Peru Side – In the light of the Minneapolis bridge tragedy, some facts about Peruvian bridges may be of interest. The mortar of one bridge in Lima was not mixed with water, but with the whites of 10,000 eggs. It is appropriately called “The Bridge of Eggs.” It is still standing. Also, the original inhabitants of Peru, the Incans, built lengthy rope bridges crossing valleys and chasms in the Andes mountains. They were so sacred that vandalizing one was punishable by death. The ropes were made from grass woven together into cables as thick as a man’s body. The bridges spanned up to 175 feet, and it took as many as 1000 people to build one bridge. For more on Incan bridges see