How then should we choose? by Huffman

How Then Should We Choose? Three Views on God’s Will and Decision Making
by Douglas S. Huffman (editor)
Product Details
  1. Hard cover: 269 pages
  2. Publisher: Kregel
  3. Date Published: 2009
Point: Discerning God’s will and making decisions accordingly is a crucial element of the Christian walk. This book displays three different perspectives on the issues.
Path: The editor, Douglas S. Huffman has brought together three of the leading views on God’s Will and Decision Making. He incorporates the “Specific-Will” view presented by the Blackabys (authors of Experiencing God), the “Way of Wisdom” view presented by Garry Friesen (author of Decision Making and the Will of God), and the “Relationship View” presented by Gordon Smith (author of Listening to God in Times of Choice).
The editor then compares the various views and provides a valuable bibliography at the end.
Sources: Each view attempts to base their view on Scripture, the Blackabys believe that special revelation is normative for today. “If the Bible does not present a picture of the normative Christian life, then there is no other place Christians can turn to see how they should relate to God today.” [37)].
Friesen believes that the Word of God is sufficient. “Where God commands, we must obey. Where there is no command, God gives us freedom (and responsibility) to choose. Where there is no command, God gives us wisdom to choose. When we have chosen what is moral and wise, we must trust the sovereign God to work all the details together for good.” (102) 
Smith believes that the mystical is paramount. “What I hope we will see is that Christ is so present to our lives that we simply cannot choose ‘on our own.’”
Agreement: I found this volume to be the most helpful in my study of these various views. I have never read a 3 views or 4 views book and been disappointed. They are an excellent way to get into the conversation. They will help the student to see the basic tenants of each view in a short amount of time.
Disagreement: My own view most closely resembles that of Friesen’s, although slightly modified. I found that the Blackaby’s responses were rather trite in places. As far as the presentation by Smith, it appeared to be overloaded with case studies on particular believers in the past.
Stars: 4.5 out of 5
It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.

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