A Liturgy for clear fountain water

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

O God from whom all blessings flow,
I thank you for this refreshing water.

My lips were parched.
My tongue was dry.
I had passed through a waterless place.
But you have satisfied.

You who spoke into existence all things
Have made such a gift from a substance so common.
There are times that I am frustrated by your gift falling from the sky
Soaking my socks
Filling my basement.

I have been angered by its excess.
I have been sick from its want.
Before an ocean,
I have been amazed by its vastness.
Before a droplet,
I have been mesmerized by its symmetry.

You make your rain to fall on the just and the unjust.
You satisfy the thirst of the world’s rulers and the lonely and forgotten.
You have stored this water in the clouds and in aquifers.
You have caused it to rush down rivers and sit in lakes.
You have used this water to flood the earth.
And you have used water to wash the disciples feet.

And here I sit beside this fountain and find refreshment.

It is unadorned and undiluted.
It is clear and clean.
It is abundant and free.
It is a small picture of your grace to me.

Your goodness to me, my God,
Is more vast than the ocean,
And more present than this cup.⁠
John 4