Thinking about Ministry…

Perhaps in the past you have merely been a pew warmer, but you are growing more interested in ministering in the body of Christ. Maybe you have been in some specific ministry for a while, but would like to really make ministry the default mode of your life. Perhaps you just like reading.
Here are three books, just selected off the top of my head, as ones which have encouraged me over the past 4 years.
  1. One-To-One Bible Reading by David Helm
    1. Big Idea: Reading the Bible together is the best way that a believer can evangelize and disciple another.
    2. Ideal Audience: Every Believer
  2. The Trellis And The Vine: the Ministry mind-shift that Changes Everything by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
    1. Big Idea: No easy fix, silver bullet, or new program will fix a ministry. Ministry is accomplished and built not on programs but through people. Every believer is to be part of this spreading of the Gospel through disciple making.
    2. Ideal Audience: Those who are involved in the local church
  3. Brothers, We Are Not Professionals by John Piper
    1. Big Idea: Pastors are not professionals. We are clay pots for the Master’s service.
    2. Ideal Audience: Those pursuing or involved in pastoral ministry
What books would you add?

Women in the Word

Just a reminder about Women in the Word. Crystal is a part of a radio Bible study called “Women in the Word” which airs at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can listen to the program at AM 1030 or you can go to our blog ( or WCTS’ website ( and find them older archived sessions. You can also download some of the past recordings on iTunes. I hope that you look it up and listen! Women from a variety of times of life get together and study God’s Word together. What a blessing!

Por si acaso…
Crystal es parte de un estudio bíblico en la radio. Se llama “Women in the Word” o “Mujeres en la Palabra.” Pueden ir a nuestro blog ( o también a la página de web ( y encontrar los estudios. Pueden bajar los estudios también en Itunes. Mujeres que están en diferentes tiempos de sus vidas se reúnen para estudiar la palabra de Dios. Si quieren practicar su inglés….