Joshua in 21: Thoughts on the sixth book of the Bible


I don’t consider these summaries but focus points. The earlier books: GenesisExodus,LeviticusNumbers, Deuteronomy.

  • Josh1: The promises and presence of God strengthen the weak and give courage to the fainthearted (Josh1/1Chr28:20/Heb13:5-6)
  • Josh2: The true God strikes fear in the heart of his enemy, but those who trust in him will be saved (Josh2/Matt1/Jas2)
  • Josh3: God gives his promised people his promised place (Josh3/Gen/Heb12/Rev21)
  • Josh4: Remember what the LORD has done. Teach it to your children. Fear Him (Josh4/Deut6/Prov1/Matt19:13-15)
  • Josh5: The LORD will never join your side, but you can join his (Josh5/Ps99/Isa37:16/Rev19)
  • Josh6: God will give his place to his people in his way (Josh6/Gen2/John18:33-38/Rev20-21)
  • Josh7: Stealing from the LORD results in heavy consequences for you and those around you (Josh7/Mal3:6ff/Acts5)
  • Josh8: We desperately need to hear the Word again (Josh8/Deut31/Neh8/Matt22:29ff)
  • Josh9: Don’t trust in your own understanding (Josh9/Prov3:5-6/2Tim3:16/Jas1:5-6)
  • Josh10: The LORD God fights for his people (Josh10/1Cor15:24-26/Rev19:11-21)
  • Josh11: The LORD hardens and softens hearts. Who are we argue? (Josh11/Exod4:21/Rom9)
  • Josh12: He is the King of kings (Josh12/1Tim6:15/Rev17:14)
  • Josh13: Just as he said…(Josh13/Num23:19/1Kgs8:56/2Cor1:18-20/Eph1:13)
  • Josh14-15: Being wholly devoted to the LORD motivates you to push forward even when everyone else your age is giving up (Josh14-15/Luke2:22-38)
  • Josh16-17: The LORD’s plan is total victory, not complacent cohabitation (Josh16-17/Ps2/Rom6/Dan7/Rev7)
  • Josh18-19: The LORD is fair (Josh18-19/Ps92:15;1Pet1:17)
  • Josh20: The LORD watches over the wrongly accused and sojourner (Josh20/Gen15:13/Gen37-41/1Pet2:9-12)
  • Josh21: Not one word of all the good promises of the Lord has failed (Josh21/Ps77/2Cor1:19-22)
  • Josh22: Remembering and reminding are ways God keeps his children faithful (Josh22/Num10:10/1Cor15/Jude5)
  • Josh23: The LORD promised, led, claimed, and delivered the good land. You must not forget, ignore, disobey, or turn away (Josh23/Heb1-6)
  • Josh24: There’s no question who we will serve…look at what he has done! (Josh24/Deut10:12/Mic6:8/Acts4:19)

How does Joshua inform our reading of the rest of Scripture?