You, Your Family and the Internet by Clark

Clark, David. You, Your Family and the Internet: What Every Christian in the Digital Age Ought to Know (Lifestyles) (Lifestyles. Day One Publications, 2012. 

Point: The internet offers incredible opportunities along side of deadly detours. The believer must be wise and discerning in using the internet.

Path: Most of Clark’s relatively short chapters are divided into 5 sections. They begin with an overview of a particular area of the internet. They then show the positives and the negatives of that area. He then cites some biblical principles which can have a bearing on that area, followed by some practical advice. The chapter ends with Scripture to consider and questions to ask.

Sources: Helpful polls, statistics, and research.

Agreement: Without employing the scare tactic, or the slippery slope fallacy, the author pulls back the curtain on what most internet users have no idea.

Disagreement: Some of the practical advice (specifically those given in chapter 6) were shallow and behavioristic. In this case it was lacking even basic references to Christ and the Gospel.

Personal App: Am I using the internet to glorify God or gratify me?

Favorite Quote: “Fifty years ago, if someone told you to grab a mouse, point it, and double-click it to tweet, you might have been accused of cruelty to animals.” (Joel Beeke in the Preface)

Stars: 3.5 out of 5

It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.

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