Rescuing Ambition by Harvey

Book: Harvey, David T. Rescuing Ambition. Wheaton: Crossway, 2010. 

Pages: 210

Point: Godly ambition seeks to accomplish God’s tasks, in God’s strength, for God’s glory.


Path: Through personal stories, Biblical examples, and humorous comparisons, Harvey walks the reader through the minefield of ambition. On the one hand we have self-focused, pride driven movement, and on the other hand we have apathetic lethargy. Harvey sets up a case for a biblical ambition which seeks to display our great God for more to see.


Sources: Stories, illustrations, famous pastors from today and ages past.


Agreement: I appreciated the message of the book. Often we are told to feel guilty for desiring to do great things. That is just the mantra of the unambitious so they don’t feel guilty for never doing anything. Instead, Harvey encourages us to seek God’s glory by God’s means. and this depends on humility.


This book is very conversational in tone. If you appreciate blunt, humorous, and personal conversation, this book will be very easy to read.


Personal App: Am I seeking my own glory or God’s glory?


Favorite Quote: “We grow small trying to be great.”


Stars: 4 out of 5


It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.


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