North! or Be Eaten

North or Be Eaten
by Andrew Peterson
Product Details
Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Waterbrook press
Date Published: 2009
    Point: You must remember who you are – no matter how much it hurts.
    Path: The Wingfeathers flight to the Ice Prairies takes them through perilous encounters with Fangs, Snickbuzzards, wicked Overseers, betrayal, and bitterness.   
    Agreement: This book moves from the children’s tale of “The Dark Sea of Darkness” to a nonstop ride of adventure. Peterson makes it nearly impossible to put the book down. There are surprises all the way till the last page, and it leaves you scrambling to find the third in the series!
    Personal App: Janner’s internal struggle to love his brother resonates with every reader. Even when we know we are right and they are not, we still must love. We must remember who we are and whose blood runs through our veins, whether or not we can see it with our eyes.
    Favorite Quote: “He had read enough stories to know that legends became so by great suffering and great feats. Janner didn’t want to suffer, and he was wasn’t sure he was brave enough or smart enough to accomplish anything legendary. But he couldn’t deny that he desperately wanted to know more.” (133)
    Stars: 5 out of 5
    It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.