At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald

At the Back of the North Wind
by George MacDonald
Product Details
  1. Paperback: 336 pages
  1. Publisher: Public Domain
    Point: There are a few who live in light of eternity. These few have been given a glance into the tomorrow of life. Some of those who know these individuals mock, others pity, but all recognize that the long-sighted are something special.
    Path: George MacDonald leads the reader through a lengthy story of a young boy’s life, demonstrating how eternity is viewed by those who have never seen it and by those who have.
    Agreement: This book had some excellent themes, and for the attentive, a great store of character shaping thoughtfulness.
    Disagreement: It was very long for the story.
    Personal App: Things are not how they always seem – and eternity is that way.
    Favorite Quote: “A poet is not a boat, as you call it. A poet is a man who is glad of something, and tries to make other people glad of it too.”
    Stars: 3.5 out of 5
    It would be worth a shortened read and I might recommend it.

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