Sensationalism at its Peak

It’s not that I don’t like weatherpeople as individuals, I am sure they have nice personalities and all. However, I completely disagree with them. Weatherpeople are ultimately sensationalists.
Meteorology has dramatically changed over the years, I understand this. There is much that they are able to understand through the patterns, fronts, etc. But can they they actually “fore”cast?
Perhaps the problem is not with the weatherpeople and their ploy on the fear of the people. Perhaps the problem is with the people who actually think what they say will happen.
So, to solve the problem and put your fears to rest, I have put together a comprehensive weather analysis chart for the Midwest. With this knowledge you can plan appropriately and never be caught off guard. Say goodbye to canceled events and postponed trips.

September through November = Cold and Wet
December – February = Cold

March through May = Cold and Wet
June through August = Hot
*Be aware that July always has a string of four days which classify as “Scorching” rather than merely “Hot”
Enjoy the weather!

More of that pesky wildlife…

Here are a few more creatures I am going to try to run down.
The deer out in the field shouldn’t be too hard since they either have to face me or highway 62. I am pretty scary, but I think a steady stream of traffic is slightly more frightening!

As for the turkeys – they are just plain mean.

Youth group game

So we had some complaints about teens being slow in the morning and not getting ready in time, so we decided to incorporate some practice into youth group. We figured, “Hey, maybe we should teach the teens how to get ready in less than 2 hours!” so we had a relay. (We actually didn’t do this in response to complaints, but if a parent did complain about their teen in this way – I would recommend this game).


What is your home communicating? What message does it send out about what God is like? Does it manifest His love, His grace, His beauty, and His order? Does it point people to the gospel? Does it help them see their need for a Savior and make them thirsty for Christ?…we can make homes out of wherever God has placed us, that minister grace and the gospel and the likeness of Christ to those around us…That climate is affected by our attitudes, by the activities that take place in our homes and by the general atmosphere of our homes. A climate conducive to nurturing life would be a climate of order, peace, grace, unconditional love, kindness, truth, a home where we experience the reality and the presence of Christ. Where we talk about Christ. Where we talk about His Word…What stifles life?What kills life in our homes? It’s a climate of:
performance-based love
If that kind of climate is in your home, ask yourself, how am I contributing to that environment? Am I doing something to make the climate of our home that way with my behavior, my spirit, my actions, or my reactions?”
I read this in one of Nancy Leigh DeMoss’ radio programs, and I thought it was such a great reminder. No matter where we are in life, what season or the size of our home, we are called to be hospitable to others, not only sharing food but also sharing Christ!
I Peter 4:9-10

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace. (ESV)

Studying and Surviving

This past week Heather has been staying with us as she attends classes at Central. After nearly 6 hours of studying (or teaching and working at the school for Crystal) we all need a little fresh air. With the weather being so beautiful this past week we have enjoyed going for walks and doing a little geocaching. For those who have no idea what geocaching is, it is an “Everyman’s Treasure Hunt.” Think National Treasure/Indiana Jones meets a normal person on a tight budget (who most likely would not do well in a fight with the Masons or Nazis). For a more comprehensive look you can visit the official website here.

It has been so nice to get outside and walk, enjoying God’s creation. Here are just a few pictures I took with my phone while strolling through the parks (ok, at some times it looks more like a mad dash, or a flailing frenzy of arms as one of us tumbles down an embankment in the woods, but I prefer to think of it as “strolling”).

Heather is pointing to a cache which baffled us. We looked for it a few months ago, not finding it after hiking through woods, 6 foot high grass and forging several streams (Ben did the dirty work). It ended up being on the wrong side of the stream!


I watched this video clip this morning and was challenged by the speaker, an abortion survivor. I thank God for people who can honestly count it a supreme joy when they face trail of various kinds (James 1). It baffles the human mind to think through this horrific event and finally say, “To God be the Glory!”